Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a process by which companies — in close collaboration with their stakeholders — integrate social, environmental, ethical, customer, and human rights concerns into their operations and core strategy. At CGPC, we actively commit ourselves to corporate social responsibility, having issued a "Corporate Social Responsibility Report" every year since 2014 to disclose major ESG information and future plans. Through the CSR Report, we are able to respond to our stakeholders concerning major non-financial information. The contents of the report include environmental safety, social care, employee training and welfare, integrity management, and corporate governance.
In order to understand and respond to stakeholder expectations on issues of concern and further improve upon information disclosure, we would like to ask your help in taking about 3 minutes of your time to complete the following questionnaire.
Your responses will be kept completely anonymous. If you have related questions, please contact us.
Name: David Liu, Robert Shao or Jessica Chen
Tel: +886-2-87516888 Ext 3716, 3726, 2010
Thank you for your feedback.

01. The relation between you and CGPC (Please choose ONE below, or the survey will be invalid.):

02. Please identify the strength of your concern about CGPC with the following governance issues.
(Please choose only ONE level of concern, or the survey will be invalid.)

Issue Description Strength of concern
Highly concerned Concerned Less concerned Not concerned
01. Economic Performance Financial information and major investment developments such as company operating profit, employee benefits, taxes, dividends, etc.
02. Research & Development Research and development of new products, process development and innovation, input manpower and fees.
03. Customer Relationship Management Customer satisfaction and improvement practices, customer privacy protection, customer audits.
04. Product Quality Primary product quality planning and quality control in the manufacturing stage to achieve our quality commitment to the customers.
05. Supply Chain Sustainability Management Local procurement management, Risk assessment and audit of suppliers in economic, environmental, and social aspects.

03. Please identify the strength of your concern about CGPC with the following environmental issues.
(Please choose only ONE level of concern, or the survey will be invalid.)

Issue Description Strength of concern
Highly concerned Concerned Less concerned Not concerned
01. Material Management Use of materials and recycled input materials.
02. Climate Change and Energy Management Risk assessment of climate change, promotion of low-carbon manufacturing, improvement of energy efficiency, use of renewable energy.
03. Water Management Water withdrawal, consumption of water, water recovery, and wastewater treatment.
04. Air Pollution Prevention Monitoring, management, and control of air pollutant emissions.
05. Waste Management Waste disposal and recycling.

04. Please identify the strength of your concern about CGPC with the following social issues.
(Please choose only ONE level of concern, or the survey will be invalid.)

Issue Description Strength of concern
Highly concerned Concerned Less concerned Not concerned
01. Talent Attraction and Retention Diversified composition of employees, talent recruitment and employee turnover, performance appraisal and salary system.
02. Talent Development Staff education and training, career development planning.
03. Human Rights and Labor/Management Relations Employee human rights protection, sexual harassment prevention, equal pay system, and freedom of association and collective bargaining.
04. Occupational Safety and Health Workplace health and safety issues including employee health, process safety, and emergency response.
05. Transportation Safety Safety management of transportation for raw materials/products.
06. Social Participation Local community and social welfare input and participation.

05. Please write down your suggestions of CSR issue or anything you want to tell us. Thanks.

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